10 Ways to Make Time to Write

from Cathy Mazak of www.cathymazak.com

Does writing keep falling to the bottom of your list?

You know you need to make time to write, but you just don’t know how it’s going to fit in (along with the other bazillions of things you have to do this semester)?

I totally understand!

You want to find time to write without all the stress, overwhelm, and guilt.

That’s why I’ve put together this PDF list of 10 Ways to Make Time to Write.

Woman smiling and writing on a laptop

I’ve helped hundreds of academic women write and publish more through my courses The Academic Woman’s Writing Roadmap and The Virtual Writer’s Retreat, and my membership community, The Academic Women’s Writing Collective.

Woman smiling, holding coffee and writing on a laptop

Stop feeling overwhelmed and start writing!

If you keep waiting for big blocks of time to write, you’ll be waiting forever.

Those big blocks of time never come, and when they do something always comes up to derail your writing.

Follow these 10 Ways to Make Time to Write and start feeling good about your writing.

What’s most impressive about Cathy Mazak’s Academic Women’s Writing resources is that she’s figured out how to turn the most pressing work we need to be doing into a form of self-care. I began to reap the rewards of following Cathy’s very practical advice immediately and continue to. Nothing feels better than giving myself the permission and the resources to pursue my own dreams.

Roxanne Russell

Emory University

Cathy Mazak Headshot

Hi there! My name is Cathy Mazak and I help academic women like you write and publish more so that they can have the career (and life) they want. A few years ago I was swimming in overwhelm as I tried to figure out how to write while doing all the thousands of other things on my academic to-do list.

Now I’m a tenured, full professor and a mom of three who maintains a consistent writing practice and a flowing publication pipeline, and I can’t wait to help you do it, too.

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